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Learn everything about the insurance domain from experts with more than 20 years of experience. The training is geared towards making an individual well-versed in the insurance domain.

With so much unpredictability and volatility, we all create a safety net around us. Insurance provides us with that safety net and protects us from uncertain events. Whether it is a vehicle, property, gadget, boat or life, we can insure any of these at a given price. But what’s difficult to comprehend is the nuances that come with the different types of insurance plans. It’s very important to know what is covered and what is not covered under the selected insurance plan, what’s the premium one has to pay to keep your product/life insured, liabilities that might arise in case of any mishap, any hidden conditions or clauses that are associated with an insurance plan, etc. Learn everything about the insurance domain from experts with more than 20 years of experience. The training is geared towards making an individual well-versed in the insurance domain.

This course is designed for any IT/Non-IT professional who needs to learn about the insurance domain for educational or job purposes.

  • Fundamentals of Insurance
  • What is Insurance?
  • Importance of Buying Insurance
  • Risk Awareness and Risk Assessment
  • Different Types of Risks
  • Risk Management Strategy
  • Insurance Lifecycle (How Insurance Works?)
  • What all Products can be Insured?
  • Key Domain Specific Terms and Concepts
  • What are the different Types of Insurance
  • Understanding Insurance Plans
  • How to Interpret an Insurance Policy?
  • Insurance Underwriting Process
  • Features of Insurance
  • Claims Processing
  • Understanding Re-insurance
  • Exploring different Types of IT Solutions, Typically Used by Major Insurance Companies
Certified CBAP®, PMP® and BPM instructor will be leading this course.
1000 USD +5.3% Sales Tax
  • Live Online
  • In-person
  • Private Team Training
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